Executive Networking Breakfast

Executive Leadership Series Event

Wednesday 1st November 2023

Executive Leadership Event Details

Industry-Agnostic & Diverse Leadership: Challenging the Idea that Successful Leaders Need Industry Experience

We are excited to invite you as a select and valued partner of our business to the next event in our Executive Leadership Series. The event will be on the morning of 1st November 2023 at 7:30 am at The Langham, Sydney.

During the session you will have the opportunity to meet our executive network and the panel will share their perspectives on Industry-Agnostic & Diverse Leadership. We will explore how:

  • Businesses are challenging the Idea that successful leaders need industry experience.; and,
  • How our experts have built leadership teams with diverse backgrounds to harnessed their ideas for industry beating success.

This session will be facilitated by Elliot Long – Executive Search Practice Lead at Pacific Talent Partners. We are excited to host the following expert panelists:

Event Details

Date: Wed 1st November 2023​

Time: 7:30am

Location: The Langham, Sydney 89-113 Kent St, Millers Point NSW 2000

Event Facilitator

Questions about the event?

Don’t hesitate to contact us.

Event Panellists

Karen Lawson

CEO, NED and Growth Leader

Sarah Kruger

Managing Director, Talent ANZ

Adam Bennett

Principal, Great Change Consulting

Register to Attend

If you wish to attend our exclusive event, please register your details below. Registration closes before 5:00 pm, 31st of October, 2023. *Note that this is an invite only event.

No Longer Able to Attend?

Please note, we will incur significant costs securing attendees a seat at this event. In the instance that you are no longer able to attend this event, please advise our team immediately at events@ptpaustralia.com, or call +61 2 8318 1818. Otherwise, please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

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